Mass Torts Get Started

While personal injury victims can sue companies individually, in many cases, there is more power in numbers. A mass tort is how large groups of plaintiffs recover higher compensation for injuries caused by a common negligence or misdeed.

In a mass tort, each plaintiff has a similar claim regarding injuries and damages resulting from the use of a specific product or service. For instance, mass torts are often filed on behalf of victims injured by dangerous pharmaceuticals, defective medical devices, defective products and even contaminated products. These products don’t just harm a few random people – they tend to harm thousands of people.

Mass torts speed up the legal process while reducing the cost of litigation for each plaintiff. Mass torts also are a great way to send an unforgettable message to giant corporations that they will be held liable for negligence.


What’s the difference between a mass tort and a class action lawsuit?


Class action lawsuits

A class action lawsuit can include thousands of plaintiffs from all over the world with little limitation. However, a class action treats all plaintiffs collectively as one group. Class action groups have an easier time proving harm since they only need to prove harm collectively.

The plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit generally have suffered economic damages rather than personal injury. For example, after a data breach, affected parties will often file a class action lawsuit against the company that failed to keep that data safe.

Unfortunately, individual compensation from a class action lawsuit is generally low since one pool is distributed among thousands of people.

Mass torts

A mass tort involves a group of plaintiffs, but in smaller numbers. Unlike a class action lawsuit, plaintiffs in a mass tort are treated as individuals and carry an individual burden of proof. In other words, each plaintiff must demonstrate the harm they’ve suffered and cannot rely on other people’s stories to prove harm.

Unlike a class action, a mass tort is usually limited to a specific geographic region. Mass torts also tend to generate higher settlements that often reach millions.


Are there benefits to filing a mass tort?


If you’ve been injured by a dangerous drug, medical device or any type of product, filing a mass tort might be in your best interest. Having multiple plaintiffs file similar cases will boost your own argument for damages.

Mass torts are resolved faster than other forms of litigation and provide the best chance at getting fairly compensated for your injuries. The punitive damages awarded during mass torts will also force companies to make changes that will prevent injuries in the future.

KR Law is a mass tort law firm.

Our attorneys have a track record of winning mass torts for our clients.

We can handle any case and aren’t afraid to fight large corporations and pharmaceutical companies on behalf of our clients.

Are you ready to pursue justice and get financially compensated for your injuries?

Are you confused about whether to file a personal injury lawsuit, a class action or a mass tort?

Contact KR Law today for a free case evaluation, and we’ll discuss your options for litigation.